This morning it was overcast and cooler than yesterday.
07:30am – Babe was great this morning – like every other morning. After peeing, he drank and then we went on our short walk where he pooped twice and carried his pine cone.
11:00am – Session 1.
He did great with house, whistle recall, place, stay and ultimate workout. It was a super quick session because he was so dialed in!!!
4:00pm – Session 2 .
Another great session with Babe. I was able to walk in a semi circle around him as he stayed in his down. He also did great with sitting and me walking around as well. I worked a bit on giving him signals from further away but he is not quite there yet.
This session I also spent more time working him with the ultimate workout. He had a lot of energy and a good play time was needed. This is one on the main reasons why we make sure he learns ultimate workout so that they can get the energy out that they need too.
6:00pm – play time and dinner.
8:00pm – play time and walk.
10:00pm – play time and walk.