Puppy Training Day 39

This morning it was very cold but sunny. 07:30am – Babe was a little low energy this morning but went through his routine fine – drink, pee, poop, poop, play with the pine cone and then breakfast. 11:00am – session…
Daily Updates
This morning it was very cold but sunny. 07:30am – Babe was a little low energy this morning but went through his routine fine – drink, pee, poop, poop, play with the pine cone and then breakfast. 11:00am – session…
This morning it was cold and sunny. 07:30am – Babe did awesome as always! 11:00am – session 1 I worked on cue discrimination again today and he did excellent. Got the cues the first time with little to no prompting. …
This morning it was cold and overcast. 07:30am – everything was as it should be – drink, pee, poop, poop, poop and breakfast. 11:00am – session 1 We worked more behavior chains with random order. The dude is flawless! Then…
This morning it was cold and overcast. 07:30am – Babe did awesome this morning. 11:00am – session 1 We chained all his behaviors together and really focused on discriminating between house, place, down and stay. He had another dog barking…
This morning it was cold and sunny. 07:30am – man oh man, I love this guy! He is consistent like the day is long – truly he has mastered his routine. Wake up, pee, drink, pee some more, poop, maybe…
This morning it was cold and sunny. 07:30am – Babe had a great morning – he got to bark at some dogs who were taking a walk, peep, poop, drink water from a different spot than normal and of course…
This morning it was cold and sunny. 07:30am – Babe was great this morning, we took our walk, he peed and popped and then it was off to breakfast. 11:00am – session 1 We worked discrimination with Babe. By placing…
This morning it was warm and raining again. 07:30am – Babe was great this morning, took our walk and then breakfast. 11:00am – session 1 Got some energy out before the session by running around while I did a few…
This morning it was warm and raining. 07:30am – he was awesome – found the grass, did his business and then off to breakfast! A very jolly little fellow. 11:00am – session 1 Babe has gotten a lot better about…
This morning it was warm and overcast. 07:30am – Babe did great once again, full of energy and ready to play. In the last few days he likes to “walk himself” by holding the leash in his mouth. This is…