This morning it was warm and raining again.
07:30am – Babe was great this morning, took our walk and then breakfast.
11:00am – session 1
Got some energy out before the session by running around while I did a few things around the kennels.
Took him out front to work on some discrimination. This is super important because when training sometimes it is all a game to them and they lose the actual cues letting them know what you are asking. Babe did poorly on this. He kept sampling different behaviors looking for what was correct instead of waiting for the command. This resulted in frustration for him. He was whining and looking for things to chew like the grass or bricks. This is all normal behavior. At this point control needs to be more firm, meaning you will shrink down on how much area he can explore with the leash (by stepping on it) and then when he gives you attention making sure your commands are clear and direct. This helped him and by the end of the session we were able to get a few good behaviors. This is just something we will need to work on. Next session I will make sure it’s more fun and less frustrating for him so that he will have a good mix and not start to associate frustration with the sessions.
4:00pm – session 2
This afternoon’s session was all about control and play. I asked for tight control with sit, down, stay, come behaviors. He did really well with all of this. So after we worked on ultimate ball with him brining the ball back to me directly and sitting before the next toss. He excelled in this as well so a great relationship session happened after that where he got lots of belly rubs.
6:00pm – play time and dinner.
8:00pm – play time and walk.
10:00pm – play time and walk.