Puppy Training Day 33


This morning it was cold and sunny.

07:30am – Babe was great this morning, we took our walk, he peed and popped and then it was off to breakfast.

11:00am – session 1

We worked discrimination with Babe. By placing the place mat, myself and his crate in a 20 foot triangle he had no idea when he would get which sd. Randomly I asked for place, house, stay, whistle recall, sit and name recall. He was outstanding for all the reps.

The only thing he failed on was the following: I had him in a stay on the place mat. A walker walked by. Babe watched but didn’t move. It took the walker a good 30 seconds to “leave Babe’s airspace” – as soon as he did Babe was off after him!

With high drive puppies – especially prey drive like Babe has – you want to reward earlier rather than later.

I could have hit him with a whistle recall and he would frozen, done a U turn and blaze back.

4:00pm – session 2

Lots and lots of ultimate workout

Some behavior chains

TONS of loving!

6:00pm – play time and dinner.

8:00pm – play time and walk.

10:00pm – play time and walk.

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