Puppy Training Day 29


This morning it was cold and overcast.

07:30am – Babe was outstanding as always, ready to rip into the day! After his peep and poop session he helped me serve him breakfast.

11:00am – Session 1.

We started with his state of calm. The tactic today was a little different.

We did all of our normal behavior chains – whistle recall, house, place, down, stay and ultimate workout. By the time he was done with everything he was huffing and puffing.

And that’s when we worked being calm. The rule was 3 rubs without any mouthing or rolling over. He got it.

4:00pm – Session 2

This session mirrored session 1.

Lots of movement to tire him out – then work the calm behavior.

First get the energy out, then do the low energy stuff.

As always he rocked it!

6:00pm – play time and dinner.

8:00pm – play time and walk.

10:00pm – play time and walk.

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