Today it was another freezing morning but sunny.
And it is Babe’s 9th week birthday🎂
07:30am – This morning was surreal. I had to literally wake him up he was out so deeply! In either case as soon as he was up he peed, took a drink of water and was ready for his walk.
Then we walked, he pooped, we came back, he drank some water and came with me to get his breakfast. We walked to the kennel, I gave him his breakfast.
11:00am – Session 1 we worked place, house, whistle recall, kennel, down and ultimate workout. He was incredible!! He ate 9/10 cup of the dry kibble.
We worked crate and place in the back porch and I started throwing in down because Kim has been working him with that.
We then went to the training field and worked ultimate workout. Today was his best showing! Not only did he get all 5 types of balls he went out further than he had before. Puppies at this age don’t have the confidence to venture past a certain radius. If you throw the ball out of that radius he won’t go for the ball. But today we put him into drive and he was so focused on the ball that he was running half way across the field.
On the way back he tackled his pine cone and then we went back.
I haven’t mentioned this before but part of the environmental behaviors we have for our facility is “kennel”. When the dog hears that he needs to run from where ever he is to the kennel, go inside and then wait. Babe is definitely getting this down pat.
4:00pm – Session 2. This was my 3rd session with Babe and I really enjoy his energy. He was waiting as usual and ready to go.
This time I worked him walking beside me as I walked to the training field as he gets so excited sometimes he gets under your feet. He did well with this but still needs more work.
My focus this session was on stay, come, and down. His down was great and he went to all fours as soon as I asked. I was able to take two steps back and also wait 5 seconds and have him stay in the down position. He really is a sharp puppy and he is learning very fast.
The behavior come was also good. I was able to walk away from him in his down and sit positions and ask him to come with only a slight pause before he came to me.
He is such a fast learner and I really enjoy seeing him thrive.
6:00pm – play time and dinner.
8:00pm – play time and walk.
10:00pm – play time and walk.