Puppy Training Day 18


This morning it was cold and sunny.

07:30am – Babe was great this morning, only 3 poops. But he is looking like a bear now, his back is muscular!

11:00am – Session 1.

We had a GREAT session focusing on place, down, stay behavior chain. He is truly extraordinary – just so easy going and focused on “playing the game”. We had a few solid whistle recalls and then played tons of ultimate workout. He was a little pooped after that.

His kennel behavior is phenomenal. From 25 feet away I can unclip the leash and he runs into the kennel and sits.

A great little dog!

4:00pm – Session 2 .

Babe was on this afternoon. 

He did great with his down and with getting the signals from further. 

Today’s challenge was a lady walking her dog in the field.  He looked over a good number of times but never left and was able to continue on with training. 

He is really doing well and after she left we had fun playing ball for a while.

6:00pm – play time and dinner.

8:00pm – play time and walk.

10:00pm – play time and walk.

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