Category Babe

Babe the GSD

Puppy Training Day 9


Today it was another freezing morning but sunny. 07:30am – He yelled to let us know his bladder was full! After urinating for 34 seconds he was ready for his walk in the training field. Then we walked, he pooped…

Puppy Training Day 8

Today it was another freezing morning but sunny. And it is Babe’s 9th week birthday🎂 07:30am – This morning was surreal. I had to literally wake him up he was out so deeply! In either case as soon as he…

Puppy Training Day 5

Today it was cold and raining. 07:00am – He started his noisiness at little earlier but that is a full bladder issue. Then we walked, he pooped, we came back, he drank some water and accompanied me to get his…

Puppy Training Day 1

Babe is an 8 week old black German Shepherd puppy from Kennel Von Weise. This is a journal of his training journey in the Elite Puppy Training Resident Program. 7am – Wake up, play time and then breakfast. 11am Session…