
Puppy Training Day 24

This morning it was cold and sunny. 07:30am – Babe was great as he is every morning. Good poops and he helped me get his breakfast ready! 11:00am – Session 1. So today I took Babe to the park for…


Puppy Training Day 23

This morning it was cold and sunny. 07:30am – Babe was awesome, full of pee, poop and puppy energy. He helped me get his breakfast and then off to the kennel. 11:00am – Session 1. I had to do some…


Puppy Training Day 22

This morning it was cold and overcast. 07:30am – Be did great like he does every morning. His squawking is becoming less pronounced. He pooped twice – BIG and ran around like a crazy man for a good 20 minutes!…


Puppy Training Day 21

This morning it was cold and sunny. 07:30am – Babe had a great morning – his 2 cups of food in the morning, 2 hot dogs and 2 cups of food for dinner are making him a tubby little low…


Puppy Training Day 20

This morning it was cold and sunny. 07:30am – Babe did great this morning, almost no squawking. We’re feeding this little Black Bear more because the tubbier we can get him – as long as he’s willing to work for…