Puppy Training Day 22


This morning it was cold and overcast.

07:30am – Be did great like he does every morning. His squawking is becoming less pronounced. He pooped twice – BIG and ran around like a crazy man for a good 20 minutes!

11:00am – Session 1.

Today was a focused behavior day and all we did was work on house. The behavior is for him to find the crate and get in it. He’s still too little to jump up into the crate but that will happen very soon.

He was exceptional – it didn’t matter where we placed the crate – he knew what to do.

4:00pm – Session 2

This sessions focus was teaching discrimination between cues for behaviors. 

It’s easy for the puppy to predict what you might want and not really understand what you are asking specifically for.  So today we worked on understanding the words ‘place’ and ‘house’ mean different things. 

I set up the mat and the crate next to each other and provided a secondary point toward which one I wanted him to go into.  Because these behaviors are new and he has energy during the sessions I expected that he would need to work on this a bit. 

He did fail quite a few times in the beginning but by the end of the session he did great and was understanding the difference.

A long play in the field after wards was his reward where we were able to play and also work a bit on his biting while being pet.

6:00pm – play time and dinner.

8:00pm – play time and walk.

10:00pm – play time and walk.

Some things to think about:

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